About Anointed Abundance
Connecting to the God Chaser in You
Anointed Abundance mission is to inspire people to prayer. The prayer books are designed to be your mobile prayer closet that you may have a place to honor your God communications. Becoming discipled into the body of Christ awakens giftings and callings from the Kingdom of Heaven. Whether you are being courted into the prophetic by the Holy Spirit, intercession or other pullings by the Kingdom, you may have noticed your desire and need to document the prayers, the prophetic utterances, prophetic dreams, intercession, etc. In the beginning, you may just think that all believers are experiencing the same desire to document their supplications before the Kingdom, amongst other things. But the more you talk to other believers you soon realize that it is a specific calling. Tribe Scribe Blog is where we delve into the inner-workings of the scribe. Join us on Face Book Live events, Twitter, Happs, YouTube, FB & Happs talks as we talk with scribes and discuss our own pullings from the Kingdom. Learning how God communicates and understanding His voice starts with organizing our prayer life & studying God's voice in the bible.
Check out the store and see what suites your style. Visit the blog and reach out on social media (Twitter, Happs, FB, YouTube & Clubhouse). We love to hear from you. Tell us about your journey into scribing and the visions that God has for your calling. God is connecting His people world-wide for His purpose and His mission. As gifts and callings are given without repentance don't despair if you have the pulling for a while and did not know where to go with it. Your time is now and so is your God-assignment.
Sign up below and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Happs, Clubhouse & YouTube.
FB is: Anointed Abundance
Instagram is: AnointedAbundanceKristaWatson
Happs is: Krista Watson
Twitter: @Matrixkay
Clubhouse: Krista Watson
YouTube: Krista Watson